The contents of this web site are not, and are not intended to be, legal advice. They are not intended to be a solicitation and are solely for informational purposes. The transmission of an email communication to the law firm through the CONTACT US page or otherwise does not create an attorney-client relationship.
You should not act or rely upon any information contained in this web site. You are advised to always seek the advice of competent counsel regarding your individual situation.
This law firm does not and cannot guarantee the results in any particular case. The firm makes no representation that it can obtain the same results as reported in this web site in other legal matters, and it makes no warranties, express or implied, as to its services or information regarding settlements or jury verdicts.
Some of the content of this web site is considered attorney advertising under the applicable rules of certain states. We are a law firm comprised of attorneys licensed to practice in Texas, and do not wish to represent anyone desiring legal representation based upon their viewing of this web site if any portion fails to comply with any legal or ethical rule of that individual’s particular state.
We invite you to contact us. We welcome your calls, letters, and email, but please do not send any confidential information until after an attorney-client relationship is established. The law firm reserves the right to decline representation of any visitor to this web site. By sending an email to the law firm, or any of its representatives, or by sending information through the CONTACT US page of this web site, you have NOT become a client of the law firm or any of its attorneys. Representation by the firm and its attorneys begins only after a written agreement for representation is signed by both parties.
Be aware that email may not be secure and that confidential information transmitted by email may be hacked or seen by persons who are not the intended recipients.
Mark Pierce is the attorney responsible for this web site. The law firm’s address is 42 East Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701.